Physical Therapy, Rehab, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight management & Wellness Coaching

Monthly Archives: May 2015

Is it time for spring cleaning? The season of new life and new beginnings always give rise to our innate need to purge the old and welcome the new. Our physical, mental and spiritual selves may be feeling that need as well.

In our increasingly stressful and toxic world, the need to detox your life is more important than ever. Perhaps it may mean a new exercise regime? Healthier eating habits? Managing stress and screen time? Consciously reducing exposures to drugs, chemicals and environmental toxins? The best formula for success and optimal health is a combination of all of the above.

Our bodies have miraculous detoxification and restorative powers, however there has never been a time in our history that we have been inundated with such an onslaught of environmental and chemical toxins, beyond our bodies’ ability to neutralize and eradicate them.

Of the more than 82,000 chemicals registered for US commerce and ubiquitous in our, food, air and environment roughly only 7% are subjected to safety testing! These toxins accumulate in our tissues (adipose) when the body is unable to keep up with the constant exposure. Many are xeno-estrogens,( endocrine hormone disruptors) neuro toxins ( brain and nervous system toxins) and contribute to cellular death, inflammation, and DNA changes. This combined with poor nutrition, elevated chronic stress and detrimental life style habits ( smoking, over eating, lack of exercise) and you have a recipe for chronic illness and disease.

For optimal health, seasonal mind/body detox should be an integrated part of living a healthy lifestyle. This means assisting your body and mind by eliminating chemical poisons and anything that contributes to elevated stress or negativity. Just as a toxic body affects our mental states, a distressed mind compromises our physical health. A well designed, supervised, seasonal cleanse, can support the natural detoxification pathways of the body and  be a catalyst for a healthier,happier life journey. Consider this “Spring Training” for your body and mind that will ultimately lead to greener pastures.

Take a peek at my  presentation on “Detoxification and a  Sample 3 day cleanse

A new year Toxic load and helpful cleanse – Copy

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